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e-catalog of selected logos

Aizpea de Atxa Cancel
Vive y DEPORTE! Aizpea de Atxa Cancel Destaqué dos columnas principales en el programa, género y deporte. Estaba claro que la forma del logo tenía que sugerir algún movimiento de alguna actividad física y que, a la vez, esta figura tenia que ser neutra. Así nos encontraríamos frente a una PERSONA haciendo deporte, sin necesidad …

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Maider Herrán Masa
Maider Herrán Masa El logotipo consta sobre la igualdad de géneros en el deporte, por ello, los colores del arcoíris sin distinción alguna en cuanto a convenciones sociales. El logotipo es circular simulando movimiento y las bases de muchos deportes que se juegan con pelotas. Por otro lado, de manera abstracta, lo que he buscado …

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Francesca Becchetti
Francesca Becchetti
Victoria Cojocaru
Victoria Cojocaru
Jaime Abal Ferreiro
Jaime Abal Ferreiro
Patrick Dellacasa
Patrick Dellacasa
Elena Zeziola
Punti chiave di cui il mio progetto tiene conto:
- tema della parità di genere nell’organizzazione delle attività sportive e nelle attività sportive stesse;
- particolare attenzione della Gesport verso le attività sportive in acqua. Ho realizzato un logo dalla forma circolare (forma che più richiama equilibrio e armonia) dove i cerchi dei simboli maschile e femminile …

Elena Zeziola Read More »

Sarah Perna
Sarah Perna  
Silvia Romero Higuera
Silvia Romero Higuera
Ailis Cross-Gorman
Ailis Cross-Gorman
Simone Cossu
Simone Cossu
Glauce Fernandes Ribeiro
Glauce Fernandes Ribeiro
Marianne Victoria Hernández Hernández
Marianne Victoria Hernández Hernández



Completion of the international competition for the design of a logo for the project “CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN SPORT ORGANIZATIONS: A GENDERED APPROACH (GESPORT)”

The international jury of the competition for the design of a logo for the GESPORT project has reached the following decision.

The project team has verified all the received e-mails used to vote for one of the 8 finalist logos that were previously selected by the jury from among the 49 submitted to the contest. In a virtual meeting held on June 8, 2018 at 13:00 p.m., the members of the jury represented by the coordinator of the project, Dr. Luisa Esteban from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), and the representatives of the participating universities, Dr. Tiziana Di Cimbrini from the University of Teramo (Italy), Dr. Emilia Fernandes from the University of Minho (Portugal), Dr. Gonca Güngör Göksu from the University of Sakarya (Turkey) and Dr. Charlotte VL Smith from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom), unanimously decided to award the following prizes:

FIRST PRIZE, endowed with €600, corresponds to LOGO number 2, awarded to Mrs. Maider Herrán Masa, student of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country-EHU (Spain).

SECOND PRIZE: endowed with €350, corresponds to the logo number 6, awarded to Mrs. Elena Zeziola, student of the. Università Cattolica di Sacro Coure (Italy).

THIRD PRIZE: endowed with €150, corresponds to the logo number 7, awarded to Mrs. Sarah Perna, student of the Belli Arti Academy, Pietro Vannucci, Perugia (Italy).


In addition, the 8 finalist logos of the contest and a further 5 selected will be part of an electronic catalogue and exhibition at the project’s international conference.

  • Aizpea de Atxa | Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
  • Francesca Becchetti | Accademia di Belle Arti Pietro Vannucci (Italy)
  • Victoria Cojocaru | Accademia di Belle Arti Reggio Calabria (Italy)
  • Jaime Abal Ferreiro | Universidad del País Vasco(Spain)
  • Patrick Dellacasa | Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
  • Silvia Romero | CIS Consultoría e Integración de Sistemas(Spain)
  • Ailis Cross-Gorman | Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)
  • Simone Cossu | Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna (Italy)
  • Glauce Fernandes Ribeiro | CIS Consultoría e Integración de Sistemas (Spain)
  • Marianne Victoria Hernández | Universidad de La Laguna (Spain)

The jury thanks the 49 candidates and all the voters for their participation.