The women featured in the following photos are presidents, vice-presidents and members of sports councils in the five member countries of the GESPORT+ project. All of these women have been interviewed and video recorded. The interviews have been transcribed into Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish, and can be found in the interview guide book. The link to the book is here.
The videos can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding countries.
In the following links you can consult some press news related to the interviews with the GESPORT+ team.
“Miembros del grupo Gesport entrevistan a la presidenta de la Federación de Vela” (Members of the Gesport team interview the president of the Sailing Federation) (Diario de Teruel, April 22; 2019).
“Gesport entrevista a diez directivas de federaciones deportivas portuguesas” (Gesport interviews ten directors of Portuguese sports federations) (Diario de Teruel, August 13; 2019).
“La presidenta de la Federación de Remo tiene grandes proyectos para este deporte” (The president of the Rowing Federation has great projects for this sport) (Diario de Teruel, February 1, 2022).