Teruel leads an european project for there are more women directives in the sport

Teruel leads a European project so that there are more directives in the sport

This initiative, funded by the Erasmus + program of the EU, has a budget of 320,511 euros.

Updated 03/02/2018 at 09:59

Campus of Teruel of the University of Zaragoza. ANTONIO GARCÍA

Teruel leads an international project that seeks to increase and reinforce the presence and leadership of women in the management of sports organizations, for which it has a budget of 320,511 euros.

With funding from the EU Erasmus + program, the initiative has as its starting point the small number of women in charge of entities in the world of sports.

Five universities from other European countries participate, coordinated from the campus of Teruel by the professor of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Zaragoza Luisa Esteban.

Explains that one of the problems with which the program starts is the brief bibliography on this subject, just specific studies both nationally and internationally.

The study becomes more relevant for that reason. Under the name, ‘Corporate Governance in sports organizations: a gender approach (Gesport)’, the project seeks to strengthen equality between men and women in the decision-making spaces of sports organizations.

It is expected that their results contribute to detect possible measures to promote gender balance and improve corporate governance in this type of entities.

The group has representatives from the Università degli Studi di Teramo (Italy), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Sakarya Univeritesi (Turkey) and University of Leicester (United Kingdom).

The professor believes that a better understanding of female representation in the management of European sports organizations could identify which gender policies can be proposed and which ones can be improved.

Making women’s experiences visible, their roles in decision-making bodies, corporate governance practices and the problems and limitations they face in their daily professional life, can help other women better manage their careers in the workplace. contexts where the decision-making process is generated.

Therefore, the project includes the launch of a website, a book, surveys and interviews to women to tell their experience, as well as a final scientific meeting in Teruel in 2020.

In addition, the project organizers want students to be involved, for which four scholarships will be created, three of them for students of Fine Arts and the rest for a student in the field of Social Sciences.

In addition, Esteban says, there will be an international contest for the development of the project logo “as a way of raising awareness”. Subsequently, a catalog with the sectioned logos and an exhibition will be prepared.

Link to see the news: https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/aragon/teruel-provincia/teruel/2018/02/03/teruel-lidera-proyecto-europeo-para-que-haya-mas-directivas-deporte-1222717-303.html